Washington Mutual

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December-2005 to January-2006
Through: BASE Logic, Inc.
Client: Washington Mutual; Emeryville, California USA
Position: J2EE Solutions Architect, Maven Conversion Expert

About Client:

Washington Mutual. (http://www.wamu.net).

Project Summary:

The goal of this project was to convert an existing application built with Ant, into using a Maven 2 build system. The new build system was designed to a continuous integration process. The new build system saved 40% on unit test development time by automating the unit test class during each build. Additional 5% to 10% developer time was saved by having a standard build-test-deploy cycle that was automated. Management saved over 10% of their time, and development meeting by having more report data from each build that was used for project estimating and reporting.

Scope of Duties:

Mr. Knutson was solely responsible for the entire conversion from Ant to Maven for an existing internal application to Maven. This included creating custom unit test generation modules, as well as integrating web services, XDoclet, Hibernate and Spring into the build process.


Java 2 (JDK 1.4.2), WebLogic 8.1, JaxRPC, XDoclet, Spring, Maven 2, Servlets, Struts 1.2, JSF, Linux, Apache, JUnit, Axis 1.2, UDDI, WSDL, WSDL2Java.

Java / JavaEE / Spring Boot Channel

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