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February-2008 to July-2008 Through: BASE Logic, Inc. Client: Sutter Health; Sacramento, California USA Position: J2EE DeveloperAbout Client:
Sutter Health, a non-profit organization is a leader in the healthcare services. Voted one of the Top 500 IT Innovators and Influencers, Sutter has set the standard by providing quality services that produce revenues without increasing costs. Key to Sutter’s success is it leadership in patient services, where it is providing medical information to customers and streamlining processes. (
Project Summary:
Sutter Health intends to use the My Life Stages Portal (MLS) as a web infrastructure for secure, personalized interaction to data and social applications for its membership user base. The ultimate purpose of this project is to provide Sutter’s customers a very personal portal where information can be readily obtained, classes and events could be reviewed and scheduled and expert advice could be obtained.
The intent of the engagement is to deliver key Java components as web services and deliver the database design specific for Classes & Events and InterWoven’s LiveSite integration.
Scope of Duties:
Mick’s test-driven, and development activities have include a broad usage of the J2SE/J2EE stack including extensive open-source projects and frameworks. The Sutter project included creating a complex Maven build system with a separate DAO Model artifacts and separate CXF/Axis Webservices. The data access was a Generics based pattern, wired with Spring and JPA/Hibernate. Using DBUnit, H2, and MySql, I was able to test 83% of the services through the Maven build. Then using Axis, CXF, TestNG, EasyMock, embedded Tomcat and embedded Selenium, I was able to test over 70% of our webservices, JMS/MDP’s and user screens.
Java 5 (1.5), J2EE 1.3/1.4, EJB 3.0, Webshpere 6, Tomcat 5.5 / 6, InterWoven LiveSite, MS SqlServer 5, XML, XSLT, Spring, Hibernate, JPA, CXF, XFire, Axis, DBUnit, Maven.
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