I have been wanting to preset my Google searches in Chrome and Firefox to only search previous year and not use safe-search. I can across a simple...
Category - Development
I ran across a little gotcha today where a float value being inserted into another object container (JSONObject) was not holding the precision of the...
I have been working on my Spring Core certification exam preparation by creating several demo projects that help cover each of the outlined...
I have been very frustrated by Gradle and variable scoping in a multi-module project. I have wasted countless hours trying to follow examples that...
Gradle repositories syntax changed: Cause: You must specify a URL for a Maven repository
I have been fighting with Gradle (gradle-1.0-milestone-7) for over a day and am fairly frustrated, especially seeing what the solution ended up being.
I have been working on an issue where HttpServletRequest.getHostName() always return the IP address, instead of the host name. The Tomcat 5.5 and...
For anyone who has any drive in their life, you should read/listen to this book. There is a little bit of Steve in each of us, but he was able to...
I performed a technical review on the book, and the first thing I did was open the source code and run through the examples. Each of the examples was...
I have been inserting log4j entries into a mongodb database and each entry has been given an ISODate timestamp:
I have been working to get the URL shorteners I use to track my clicks, then extend the functionality. Mostly I use to shorten my urls, and I love...
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