I have an External configuration file (${appName}-config.groovy) that I wanted to have a global URL declaration such as: Then what I wanted was to...
Category - Grails-Groovy
Development Blog about Groovy and Grails development
I spent the better part of my day trying to solve an issue where I construct a named configuration property, then I wanted to get that property from...
I have been trying to create an inner class instance of a Spring constructor argument and have been looking at the Grails documentation that states...
I was tasked to implement read timeouts in my Spring webservices. I need to be able to implement this on dozens of webservices fairly easy and be...
NoClassDefFoundError org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils in Grails 1.2.2 upgrade
Originally when I tried to upgrade to grails 1.2.2, I kept running into an error that I did not face in grails 1.2.1 which was an java.lang...
I have been trying to change my webservice implementation from org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean to use org...
I was having issues trying to get my Spring DSL to operate in ./grails-app/spring/resources.groovy. I have been able to use XML formatting in...
I have gone through several books and countless Blogs to try to get a valid working WAR that would access my external configuration files, both ...
I started a new Grails project recently, and I found Canoo’s WebTest extremely easy to get working. I was even able to get Cobertura code...
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