I ran into an issue today trying to perform a mysqldump with the following command I kept getting this error And re-runing it, I would get this error as well: I spent a...
Author - Mick Knutson
I am excited to have been asked to join the DZone MVB. You can find the list of MVB’ers on and i am glad to be in great company. DZone’s Most Valuable...
I started working on some REST client Android development. I have spent the past 1-2 month reading books, and just looking around the internet for good resources, so I...
Today I was completing an Auto Function algorythm for my IVR (Interactive Voice Recognition) application I am working on. The premise to to deduce selections for the...
Unit Testing Springframework’s @Async annotation
I had a task to make my current webservice calls asynchronous and wanted to use the @Async annotation in Spring 3.0x to accomplish the task. The @Async annotation can be...
Mick Knutson Range of Experience: Mr. Knutson is a professional internet technology consultant, Java Architect, Java project leader,Engineer, Designer and...
I created a MySql instance the other day, and today I wanted to connect my application server to that database server. While connecting from my application server I kept...
The other day I found Screencast-o-matic and I think it is easy to create tutorials now via the web, then upload them to Youtube. So, here is my first venture into...
I have been running CentOS 5.4 for a while now, and my website has gotten to the point where I need to scale for additional traffic. So I decided instead of scaling...
Reflecting on SpringOne 2GX
This was my first time attending SpringOne, and I must say, I was truly impressed. Springsource did an amazing job getting a wide breadth of technologies to make this a...