I have been working to get the URL shorteners I use to track my clicks, then extend the functionality. Mostly I use to shorten my urls, and I love the service. But I did...
Author - Mick Knutson
I have been hacking on a way to only allow alphanumeric, dots (.), dashes (-) and underscores (_) in usernames for my forum. You may require the username to match a...
I was adding -Xss128k as a JAVA_OPS like this: then when running Jetty I ran into the following issue: Looking into Cygwin a little more and looking at the current stack...
I have been working on a fairly simple JMeter load script that I can run a series of 4 sequential pages against an Apache server, but the goal was to have the server...
I am in the midst of my own thunderstorm the past few years. It started around 2005 when several projects I was working on where canceled or re-organized leaving me...
I have been running into a serious issue with Avaya Voice portal the past several month where Avaya (AVP) will freeze a caller resulting in a call to the customer that...
I ran into a strange issue the other day while testing my VXML application on Voxeo Prophecy. Originally this caller input function was tested with Avaya, and as I...
Solved “java.net.BindException: Address already in use: connect” issue on Windows
I have been running into issues on Windows servers while running JMeter tests, but also when I have been tuning akka as described in another blog of mine and after more...
Cannot run program “C:\usr\bin\glassfish3\glassfish\bin\asadmin”: CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application
I just encountered a problem with my glassfish installation while preforming a deployment with maven. I was upgrading from a SNAPSHOT version of Glassfish to 3.1.1. I...
I have been having a random cygwin error on Windows 7 enterprise for a while, and I have finally been able to correct the issue with a few tedious steps. But so far...