I have been creating some REST services with Jersey, and I started getting this error
com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerException: The ResourceConfig instance does not contain any root resource classes.
I have searched for a while to find any reference to this error without luck.
But finally, I found the issue.
I am using glassfish 3.2 and Jersey 1.6 and I assumed, based on documentation that this was valid:
@Singleton public class UserResource { @Inject public UserDao userDao; @GET @Path("customers/{username}") @Produces({ MediaType.TEXT_XML }) public Customer findCustomer(@PathParam("username") String username) { Customer customer = userDao.findCustomer(username); return customer; }
This is not the case. you MUST have a root @Path annotation as like this:
@Singleton @Path("customers") public class UserResource { @Inject public UserDao userDao; @GET @Path("{username}") @Produces({ MediaType.TEXT_XML }) public Customer findCustomer(@PathParam("username") String username) { Customer customer = userDao.findCustomer(username); return customer; }
Once I changed this the error was resolved.
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