No subclass matches this class [class com.baselogic.test.CustomerFixture$2$1] for this Aggregate mapping with inheritance
I have been writing a chapter for my new book “Java EE6 Cookbook for Securing, Tuning and Extending Enterprise applications” today, and I ran across an interesting error based on a JPA testing pattern.
I have used 2 patterns for seeding data to test some @CollectionTable functionality.
First, I used DBUnit to seed my data, and that seems to work just fine for adding @CollectionTable relationships.
The second seemed fairly straight forward. I wanted to create a Fixture utility to create an entity to insert
Customer customer = CustomerFixture.createSingleCustomer();
My CustomerFixture.createSingleCustomer() is fairly simple
public static Customer createSingleCustomer() { Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.setUsername("testusername"); customer.setFirstName("Mick"); customer.setLastName("Knutson"); customer.setDescription("Customer with an Android Device."); customer.setHobbies( new HashSet<String>() {{ add("BASE-Jumping"); add("Skydiving"); add("Speed-Flying"); }} ); customer.setPhones(createPhones()); customer.setAddresses(createAddresses()); return customer; }
I was adding Address’s that looked like this
public static Map<String, Address> createAddresses() { final int pk = getRandomInt(1, 999); return new HashMap<String, Address>() {{ put(String.format("%03d", pk), new Address(){{ setType(AddressType.RESIDENTIAL); setStreet("123 Main Street"); setCity("San Francisco"); setState("CA"); setPostCode("91335"); setProvince(""); }} ); }}; }
Notice that I created the Address with a default constructor…?
When running this, I get a very interesting exception:
javax.persistence.EntityExistsException: Exception Description: No subclass matches this class [class com.baselogic.test.CustomerFixture$2$1] for this Aggregate mapping with inheritance. Mapping: org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.AggregateCollectionMapping[addresses] Descriptor: RelationalDescriptor(com.baselogic.chapter02.Customer --> [DatabaseTable(CUSTOMER)])
What I finally tracked this down to was from skimming the XXX codes on
ECLIPSELINK-00068: The value of an aggregate in object [{0}] is null. Null values not allowed for Aggregate mappings unless “Allow Null” is specified.
Cause: The value of the aggregate in the source object object is null. Null values are not allowed for aggregate mappings unless allow null is specified in the aggregate mapping.
Action: Call the mapping method allowNull. Provide parameters only if you are making a distinction between foo() and foo(integer).
Specifically the ‘Action’.
So I started looking at my Fixture, and constructed my Address with a specific Constructor:
public static Map<String, Address> createAddresses(){ final int pk = getRandomInt(1, 999); return new HashMap<String, Address>(){{ put(String.format("%03d", pk), new Address( AddressType.RESIDENTIAL, "123 Main Street", "San Francisco", "CA", "94114" ) ); }}; }
This solved the issue, and the seeding of the Customer succeeded.
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